Novel CO2 Compressor Under Development

Left: Pars Makina double hinged arc vane: compact, no leakage, no friction, suction: blue, discharge: red
Middle: Spring loaded vane: leakage and friction,
Right: Swing vane: no leakage but vane-swing vane friction
• Semi-hermetic architecture.
• Electrical motor is operating at expander outlet temperature (35C) and pressure (40.7bar),
Direct coupling allows ease of compressor-expander alignment,
Pars Makina From All Perspectives
In all our projects that we carry out, we strive to use renewable energy sources and equally, we prefer to use recyclable materials.
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We add our motivation and ethical values to our continuous development efforts and we realize our projects through an evolving design that take into account feedbacks from numerous simulation and tests.
We always place safety the first place. We prioritize worker healthin all type of field works, factory production, assembly and tests carried out in our workshop.
Social Responsibility
Through the development of high and ınnovatıve technologies, we fulfil our duty regarding the development of our country and entire world wellness.
Advanced Technology
We always provide world-class engineering and production services with our R & D and production team that follows the technological state-of-the-art in our fields of expertise.
Customer Focused
We ensure customer satisfaction by providing efficient and reliable products that emanate from our responsible and positive-thinking attitude.
Look at Us More Closely
Pars Makina develops novel technological products that results from long term fundamental R&D studies. Our intellectual property contains many recent national and international patents that increase our worldwide competitiveness. For sustained growth of our capabilities and increased market share, we continue to produce state-of-the-art solutions involving high technologies. We also strive to work closely with national and international academic institutions and leading large companies in Turkey and Europe.
Pars Makina
We provide reliable, economical, high-power and efficient innovative solutions in the fields of Transport, Defence, Aerospace, Aerospace Engineering and Clean Energy.